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Teamsters Local 399: Quarterly Recurring Payment Plan | Chef Assistants Only
$210.00 every 3 Months (Quarterly)
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By signing up for a Quarterly Recurring Plan, the card you have provided will be charged upon sign-up, as well as charged on the 1st of each month of the new Quarter (Payment schedule: January 1st, April 1st, July 1st & October 1st).
By completing the form below you are authorizing an immediate charge to your card for a full quarter of Local 399 dues, as well as authorizing your card to be charged on: January 1st, April 1st, July 1st & October 1st.
Quarterly dues for Chef Assistants are currently $210 with a $2 service charge for online payments. Should dues increase, recurring payment plan subscribers will be notified of any changes to your account, however will not need to re-sign up.
You can request a cancellation at any time.