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Members Only
$249.99 per Year
Join Now Gift Now
Congratulations. you’ve almost made it into the elite club, “membeers only”.
The first rules is...it's not like fight club. Tell everyone about it.
So, here is what you get for all of your hard earned dollars
- One free ticket to our Annual Beerfest - Date TBD(plan on August)
- A pair of exclusive Membeers only pint glasses. These are a gift to you, they will no be stored at the bar. We will fill them upon pickup for FREE.
- A members card to let the staff and everyone around you know you play for keeps. bring it in, just incase the system is acting up so you can get all of your benefits
- 20% off ALL of your draft beers.
- 10% off ALL of your merch.
- Early Access to Pliny The Younger. 30 mins before the public can come in, so you can get yours. In peace.
- Exclusive email updates and access to special events. Live music, beer drops, limited merch.
- A members only party, for you and all of the other beer nuts in town. Date and details are TBD, but it'll be a good one. We promise.
- Don't not do it, FOMO is a terrible thing to have.
That about covers it. When you purchase please be sure to include your email address and phone number in the order, so we can link your account with all of these dope benefits.